Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Never try to catch a train last minute...

Yesterday I tried to catch a train last minute. While running towards it I fell down. I got up again and managed to get it.

While sitting in the train I realized that my arm hurts and at my destination I went into a hospital. The X-rays revealed that my ellbow was broken ;-) Nohting serious --- it'll hopefully heal within two weeks...

So my advice clearly is: Never try to catch a train last minute --- let it pass!

And the moral is: The next train would have departed in only 30 minutes...


P.S. In the next two weeks you'll only get short messages from me since I can only type with one hand :-(


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about that - if you still have it, i'll have to sign your cast at the BRM. :)

Anonymous said...

I think this moral applies better. ;)

However, get well soon!

The song "Komme nicht zu spät, sei pünktlich!" is by Tom Waits and means something like "be on time, don't come to late" or so.

Sarasota Garage Door Repairs said...

First time reading much appreciate it