Monday, November 27, 2006

Note: This element should not be used in new documents.

I still got a lot feedback regarding the use of the word „deprecated“. So please let me explain what I had in mind when I wrote this.

In the current ODF specification there is the following note in section 6.6.11 Table Formula Field. It says:

Note: This element should not be used in new documents.

My idea was simply to add a similar note to e.g. section 8.2.6 Subtables.

So again there are already features in ODF marked as "not to use".

1 comment:

Andrew Dent said...

Just to show you some support- don't let the Sunnies get you down!... the belief that they own OOo, which in turn owns ODF, is a nonsense... ;-)
Best of luck with your useful analysis and work.