Thursday, October 25, 2007

Field update --- preview for Windows.

I now have a preview for Windows available at

Simply download it and unzip it. To start execute soffice.exe in ooo2.3/program/.

Same features as the Linux Version. So no saving at this point.

And don't forget to give feedback :-)




Anonymous said...

The "Open File - Security Warning" box appears every time you attempt to run any of the programs, even if you clear the checkbox next to, "Always ask before opening this file."

Anonymous said...

Here are my first findings of the Windows OO build with field update enabled:

- when the last character of a field is deleted, the field is still there but it's hard to enter into the field (you have to use the right or left arrow key twice to enter it but there is no visual confirmation that you are in the field. (E.g. an OpenOffice input field shows a small gray box.)
- In Word, when an formtext field is selected, the whole field is selected. This is very useful. Empty fields can be created with a bunch of white spaces so the fields are well visible (as gray boxes).
- When I'm working in OpenOffice, how do I add an extra formtext field (like the ones created in Word)
- can the same behavour (tabbing through fields) be achieved with OpenOffice 'input fields' and 'user fields'?
- When you create a Word document you have to protect the document to be able to tab through the fields (if the content is not protected you delete the fields when you start typing in a selected field). When you open such a document in Writer, it is not possible to edit the fields unless you disable the protection of the document.